Which OCD?

From Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder to Objectively Constructed Disorder

OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder, e.g., with obsessional actions and obsessive thoughts) is one of the most unpleasant descriptions of human thought and action. People say that thoughts have power over them. OCD is just a description, an attempt to explain. The description of supposedly powerful thoughts and actions is what makes thoughts grow up. Only the description. Nothing else.

This website deals with OCD and a new, systemic attempt to cope OCD.

Do you have to deal with annoying, imposing thoughts?

As a patient, doctor or consultant, have you ever had the plan to banish or delete thoughts? Here is a quick test. It demonstrates to you how little sense there is in the idea of avoiding thoughts.

Imagine, you express the negative thoughts (obsessive thoughts) in the presence of a person who does not know your language. How will the person from abroad react? She’s probably going to look at you questioning because she does not know what you’re trying to tell her with those words. More probably not. The brain has the ability to develop scenic images and predictions. The brain builds and uses connections in all directions. Meaningful (in the sense of useful) as senseless (that is, those that can cause problems in everyday life). Functions of our brain allow written and spoken text to create a constructed reality in the imagination.

That’s basically everything that “happens” in connection with OCD“

Sequentially. How is a typical OCD story going today?

The fast career of a negative thought

An OCD story like that of classical psychiatry here carries countless times worldwide: A person rates a thought as negative. “The thought should disappear.” That’s what the person thinks. But the thought does not work. Of course not. Then the person tells a friend about their thoughts. The friend makes a serious face. The thought remains, becomes even clearer now. At that moment, the person gives the unwanted thought a high level of attention.

It is a natural brain reaction to pay attention. People, things, scenes, thoughts that we pay attention to are important. Always. So doing so is proof of the health of the brain. The brain works properly when it rates an attention-getting thought as important.

What’s up with a pleasant thought?

Let’s play the topic of attention and presence of a thought of a pleasant thought.

Suppose you want to attend a theater performance tomorrow. Or a football game. They are looking forward to buying the cards weeks ago. What pictures do you have of your event in mind? Is this event rather important or unimportant for you?

What is the likelihood that you will forget tomorrow to go to the event? Probably the probability is about zero. They have given emotional attention to the event that lies in the future. That’s why it’s important to you. And if you tried to erase the theatrical performance or the football game from your head – would that work?

Certainly not. You can not delete the idea of an important event from your head. You can not delete a single thought.

Emotionally linked attention

Emotional attention is the keyword. Emotional is and remains emotional as far as the excitement of the brain is concerned. A sad thought triggers emotions, as well as a joyful thought triggers emotions. The effects on the physical level are fundamentally different, but in both cases reactions occur on the physical level. Emotional attention leads to physical reactions. From there it goes back to the brain. An idea has gone “in the stomach”. Now, when a person feels his stomach, that’s like a signal that something is wrong. Summary: An unpleasant thought causes an unpleasant reaction on the body level. The brain or the human evaluates the body reaction as a confirmation of the theory:

Bad thought!

Attention keeps a thought active

It should be clear: Attention to a topic, an appointment or a thought ensures that the thought is kept alive.

Let’s go on in the story of the person who does not want to have a thought.

For a few days, the person tries to resist the idea of walking faster than the thought or whatever. But that does not happen (logically). It can not succeed. Because the brain does not work that way.

However, the person has not yet heard of this way of working the brain. Therefore, she thinks, it would not be normal for a thought to remain and stay.

The person looks up on the Internet.

There she reads something of obsessive thoughts that can manifest. She visits websites of clinics that present texts on such obsessions, on obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Everything seems logical at first glance to OCD

Unfortunately, the story of OCD seems very plausible, and it seems to be permanently self-confirming: the thought that can not be removed. The efforts of the patients. The medications that doctors use to defeat fears. The confrontation training that brings the patients in extreme situations. Fears that come because patients realize that they can not direct and control their thoughts.

OCD (Obsessive-compulsive disorder). When she compares the many OCD stories with her own situation, the person experiences a terror. Then she goes to the doctor. The doctor also only knows the old OCD story. He listens to the patient’s story. Then he looks serious and says, “Suspected OCD. Go to the psychologist. ”

Remember what happened so far?

The person goes as a physically and mentally healthy to their doctor – and is sent as a patient to a psychologist or psychiatrist. A turbo-metamorphosis – or: the fast career of a negative thought.

The psychologist diagnoses OCD

As the person sits with the psychologist, he asks: How long have you had these obsessive thoughts? (The psychologist in this OCD story uses the diagnostic idiom of “obsessive-compulsive thought” from the beginning, which is a massive intervention.) From this moment on, the language is already agreed, and now we are talking about obsessional thoughts Here begins a long ordeal, because as shown on this website in many places, is a “therapy against obsessive thoughts or OCD” hardly promising.

The conventional OCD diagnosis acts like a stroke of fate

People suffer thoughts. They want to defend themselves against these thoughts. These thoughts are beginning to work more meaningfully. Therefore, therapists and patients think that thoughts have some sort of power or size. But that is a mistake. The thought has no meaning. The observer of the thought gives meaning to the thought and thus a weight.

How’s the old OCD story going?

I could write about months of therapy sessions, inpatient stays in OCD specialty clinics, medications, and declining hope. I could write of the statement “ausherapiert” that always says something about the psychologists, nothing about the patients or clients. I renounce further details that are unfortunately very well known to millions of people worldwide. I prefer to ask a central question:

How do we write a new OCD story?

How do we write a new story about the diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder? There are more questions associated with this question:

  • How do we attract the attention of psychologists so that in their work for patients they renounce the idiom “compulsion” and speak better of “thought with currently much meaning charge”?
  • How do we win over clients and patients to the idea that it is not the removal of thoughts that is the goal, but the handling of thoughts?
    Let’s start with a classification.

Divide the world of OCD into the phase of old OCD stories – and new, philanthropic life stories. Let’s start life stories that begin with a small change.

Let’s face two central, new questions about OCD:

  • How can the obsessive-compulsive disorder (old) become (objectively) an objectively constructed disorder?
  • What developments can OCD patients begin to think about an objectively constructed disorder?

The first e-book for the new OCD story will be published shortly. Email us, we will send you the release date: mail@ocdstory.net